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6th Framework


Contract n° 017646


A European
co-operative research project


         Partner 10 - University of Warmia and Mazury

The Department of Lake and River Fisheries (formerly Department of Fisheries) was established in early 1950 as a part of Faculty of Environmental Protection and Fisheries (formerly Faculty of Fisheries). The Department of Lake and River Fisheries carries out research on aquaculture, fisheries and water management. The basis aims of the Department are: artificial spawning of fish, larviculture, and biotechnology in aquaculture, genetics, the fisheries and water management. Recently, the scientists of the Department work on endangered fish species, which is one of the most important research and pratical sector during the past decade. The workers have good experience in carrying out aquaculture research programmes, as well as, training and courses, and been currently involved in many national and European research projects (i.e. Q5CA-2000-30105). The Department facilities, i.e. aquaculture laboratories or net cage station will provide an ideal support for research presented in the project.
The Department has a close collaboration with the Inland Fisheries Institute, some important Polish State and Private Fish Hatcheries, and with Polish Angler’s Association, as well as many foreign partners, i.e. in the USA, Finland, Italy, Belgium, Ireland and Czech Republic. This kind of active collaboration brings close together research and production and constitutes the potential stimulation of growth in aquaculture industry.
The Department laboratories have at their disposal important research facilities functioning in recirculating systems, i.e. two hatcheries, 46 tanks of 60-L each, 12 tanks of 120-L each, 17 tanks of 1000-L each, as well as many net cages. All tanks work under controlled environmental conditions (photoperiod and temperature: 0 – 30 °C). There is also possibility to connect different facilities to work together or in different water flow systems and work good for many freshwater fish species.

Allocation of manpower
Prof. Dr. A. Mamcarz, Head of the Department, dr. D. Kucharczyk, senior scientist, responsible for Department of Lake and River Fisheries in the present project, specialist in fish reproduction and larvae rearing, dr R. Kujawa, senior scientist, larval development, dr A. Szczerbowski, senior scientist, dr M.J. Luczynski, senior scientist, dr P. Gumulka, senior scientist, dr. Igor Babiak, gametes quality, M.Sc. Maciej Szkudlarek, M.Sc. Katarzyna Targonska-Dietrich
Allocation of equipment
The laboratories of UWM have at their disposal important research facilities functioning in recirculating systems, i.e. two hatcheries, 46 tanks of 60-L each, 12 tanks of 120-L each, 17 tanks of 1000-L each, as well as many net cages. All tanks work under controlled environmental conditions (photoperiod and temperature). There is also possibility to connect different facilities to work together or in different water flow systems (i.e. closed, semi-open and open).

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