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6th Framework


Contract n° 017646


A European
co-operative research project


         Partner 9 - The Netherlands Fisheries Research Institute http://www.rivo.dlo.nl/
The Netherlands Institute for Fisheries Research undertakes fundamental and applied research on the entire fish production: from fish to dish. The field of work extends from the sea, the inshore and inland waters, auctions, fish farms and processing industry to the retail outlets and consumers.As an independent unit of the DLO Foundation, RIVO is part of Wageningen University and Research Centre (Wageningen UR).
A staff of more than 100 individuals is involved in fisheries research at RIVO locations in IJmuiden and Yerseke. RIVO can call on the knowledge and expertise of all other disciplinary unites at Wageningen UR.RIVO is a member of the West European Fish Technology Association (WEFTA) and maintains close links with numerous institutes.
The project group Aquaculture hasbeen involved in research on intensive fish farming in recirculation systems for more than 15 years and is the leading institute in this field in The Netherlands. Within RIVO the project group Aquaculture has extensive expertise in fish culture and fish culture related research, e.g recirculating systems, testing of diets, research on attractants in diets, farmed fish as functional foods and economic modelling of aquaculture operations. Research on percid fish first started in 1994 with experiments on rearing of pike perch larvae on artificial diets. Nowadays research on percid fish focuses on the culture of pikeperch in recirculation systems and out of season reproduction of Eurasian perch. RIVO is the coordinator of the FP5-QoL-Lucioperca project. 
Allocation of manpower
Henk van der Mheen, M.Sc, scientist aquaculture
Jeroen Kals, M.Sc, scientist aquaculture
Edward Schram, MSc, scientist aquaculture,
Jan van der Heul, technician aquaculture
Allocation of equipment
Facilities of RIVO include experimental recirculating systems with controlled conditions of temperature and photoperiod. Sub-contractor of RIVO (Wageningen University) is fully equipped for the cryoperservation of fish semen and analysis of sperm quality.

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