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6th Framework


Contract n° 017646


A European
co-operative research project



         Partner 7 - EARL Esox - esox34@wanadoo.fr


This company is located at Mèze near Montpellier in the south of France. It’s a hatchery specialized in the production of juveniles from different freshwater species like pike, pikeperch and black bass. Its principal market is the restocking of natural fish population in relation to angling activity. But this market decreases slowly, thus Esox prospects new ways of production and diversification.
The possibility to produce juvenile pikeperch for the consumption market constitutes a real opportunity for the company. It has obtained in 2003 the status of “pilot-scale fishfarm” by the French state and the EU for the development of a new aquaculture activity (Eurasian juvenile production). During the two next years (2004-2005), Esox must demonstrate the profitability of an Eurasian juvenile production (1 million of 2-3 g juveniles / year) in small ponds (investment : 430,000 Euros).Thus, it possesses the equipment for hatchery and nursery activities. They have 4 different water recirculating systems : one for eggs incubation and larval rearing (60 L cylindro-conical tanks), one for post-larvae rearing (7 tanks of 1.2 m3) and two others for juveniles production (6 tanks of 7 m3). Recently, they have decided to invest in a thermoregulation system (a cooling group) for broodstock management and production of delayed spawning, mainly in the framework of this project. They also have ponds for the production and storage of breeders during the resting period. In this project, Esox is highly interested to participate in some tasks concerning the control of the reproduction, the broodstock management and the production of juveniles. 
Allocation of manpower
One aquaculture technician full time.
Allocation of equipment
Equipment for hatchery and nursery activities. Four different water recirculating systems : one for eggs incubation and larval rearing (60 L cylindro-conical tanks), one for post-larvae rearing (7 tanks of 1.2 m3) and two others for juveniles production (6 tanks of 7 m3). One thermoregulation system (a cooling group) for broodstock management and production of delayed spawning. Ponds for the production and storage of breeders during the resting period.

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