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6th Framework


Contract n° 017646


A European
co-operative research project


         Project organisation

The project consortium consists of 6 SMEs from France, Poland and The Netherlands, and 5 RTD performers which are suppliers of specific expertise and are responsible for the scientific related work.
The main functions in the project and the respective responsibilities are:

Project Co-ordinator / Manager
Is responsible for
• overall management and the co-ordination of all project activities except those which are under the responsibility of the work package leader
• overall financial control
• establishment and maintenance of the project web site
• preparation of the reports to the EC
• integration of the results of the work-packages into the overall objectives of the project
• communication with the EC
• organisation of management meetings

The project co-ordinator is assisted by one scientific assistant and one administrative assistant (both part time).
Together they form the co-ordination team.

Is responsible for
• co-ordination of the activities of the work-package
• execution of the work package tasks and the attainment of the work package objectives
• provision of the periodical progress reports to the co-ordinator
• preparation of individual work package output
Decision building structures
A management board including both SME’s and RTD performers (one person per SME or RTD performers) will be established at the beginning of the project. All major decisions will be made during project meetings. Basically, the partners’ opinions should be reconciled. In case of disagreement, decisions are built on a simple majority. Each partner has one vote. In case of deadlocks the co-ordinator decides. If major changes are necessary or crises anticipated, an ad-hoc meeting will take place where all of the scientific partners must participate.


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